Raven’s Revenge Ride

I rode the Raven’s Revenge charity bike ride this past Saturday. This is the first time that I decided to give it a shot. I rode the 61 mile route. The route was hilly, the day was windy and the weather was perfect. The course rode along the I-45 feeder rode and then tucked into the Sam Houston state park. The route was the perfect mix of hills and scenic flats. The volunteers at the rest stop were very friendly and well stocked. An announcement was made at the start apologizing for the lack of port-o-pottys. Evidently the ride had a large increase of riders this year from the past years.

Despite being around 90 miles away, I plan on adding this ride to my yearly MS150 work. A lot of the day was tougher than the first day of the MS150 ride. Great work in March to prepare for April (and May!).

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