My awesome valentine

My wife is awesome. Not for what she does, but for who she is. In addition to all of that, she is also very supportive of my Ironman goal. My morning started like most do, 4:30am alarm screaming at me to get up and go workout. After moving through my get ready for the gym routine, what do I see on counter but a card and a Reese’s candy. My first thought was how sweet, next came how dare she. She knows this is my favorite junk food and one of my big weaknesses. In her words, just have one, then get back on ball. Well I can’t do that. I like them by the bushel so I left the candy, and took the card. The card mentioned be on the lookout for something else.

So I get a call later in the morning that I had a special delivery. I go downstairs expecting flowers (BORING!) and see what is the best Valentine gift ever…for a triathlete. It is a Clif Bar bouquet with a new flavor (white chocolate macadamia nut) I had just discovered this past weekend and loved so much. It was the talk of the office and the best Valentine (food) gift I have ever received.

Thanks babe.

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