Usually this time of year I train for the MS150 by riding in a lot of the supported rides throughout Houston. I still plan on attending some of the hillier rides but I’m getting back to basics and riding in some of the smaller groups here in Katy. I did this yesterday and had a blast. I rode with the local Lifetime Fitness ride group for 44 miles. Tons of people ride this area which was a bit of a surprise to me.
The highlight being when I lead a long section that had the strong wind at our back. I wasn’t going at max effort, but pushing it pretty good. The route leader was behind me at the turn said we should wait and make sure everyone was with us. Turns out we dropped the rest and once they caught up one of the younger ones said “Wow you guys were really hauling it”. Indeed we were. We hit 27mph on a flat road, aided by the wind.
It was a good group. Everybody was really friendly. I’m looking forward to doing it again.